About Us

KJA License Number Riana Sitawati : Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 55/KM.1PPPK/2017 tanggal 12 Juni 2017

Dr. Riana Sitawati is the founder of KJA Riana Sitawati who has had experience since 1999 as a lecturer and practitioner.

Dr. Riana Sitawati completed her bachelor’s formal education in Accounting Department Diponegoro University Semarang, then went on to master program in International Business and Management in Holland (Hanzehogeschool) and England (Anglia Ruskin University). Finally, Dr. Riana Sitawati holds a PhD in Accounting from Griffith University, Australia. To support her formal education, Dr. Riana Sitawati has certified by following a series of competency test so that she is entitled to degree Ak (Accountant), CA (Chartered Accountant), CPA (Certified Public Accountant), and CMA (Certified Management Accountant).

In addition to profession as a lecturer, Dr. Riana Sitawati has various practical experience as a consultant both at home and abroad. Abroad, the experiences gained include being a management accountant and an information systems auditor at the Queensland Audit Office, Australia.

Vision and Mission of KJA Riana Sitawati

Vision: to become a trusted accounting services office in Indonesia
Mission :

1. Providing professional accountant services with high competence, integrity, and objective according to applicable professional standards.
2. Recruit, develop and retain competent, high-integrity and communicative professional staff.
3. Provide value added to clients by providing solutions in a timely, efficient and innovative manner.
With the vision and mission above, KJA Riana Sitawati offers quality accounting services, efficient and effective for all types of clients, both MSMEs and Open Companies, services and manufacturing, private and public sectors, local and foreign companies.

Definition of Accounting Services Office

The world economy has faced a new era characterized by the growth of information technology and competition in the international level is very dynamic. Indonesia must prepare itself to be able to grow into a developed economy country. To ensure long-term sustainable growth, Indonesia needs a strong accounting profession to oversee this transition period.
In order to provide services and protect the public interest to face the challenges in the global economy, the Center for Financial Professional Development of the Ministry of Finance through the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 / PMK.01 / 2014 grants permission to registered accountants to establish Accounting Services Office (KJA) after Meet various requirements.
KJA is a business entity that provides accounting services such as bookkeeping services, financial report compilation services, management services, tax services, agreed upon procedures for financial information, and information technology systems services. The establishment of KJA must obtain permission from the Minister of Finance before it can provide accounting services. Unlike the Public Accounting Firm (KAP), KJA does not provide audit.